If you were forced to choose.
Let’s face it, if we’re all still Tigers fans after the way the past nine years have gone (and many of our frequent readers and commenters will remember 2003 all too well), then we will be Tigers fans forever. When you suffer enough, complain enough, but still show up year after year, you’re definitely a fan for life.
This isn’t to take anything away from bandwagon fans. Any fan is a good fan for a team to have, and those good years get people excited enough about the club that they end up sticking around for the long haul. No one here needs to be sold on being a Tigers fan. We’re in it.
But this week, we want to know who your other team might be. A team you can’t help but enjoy when you watch them play, a team with a fun mascot, or a grim history of having everything go terribly wrong. Maybe it’s just a team where you’ve had a great experience attending an away game and were surprised by how nice their fans are (I see you Kansas City). There’s no wrong reason to like another team, unless that team is the Yankees .
Most regular BYB readers will know I also write for the Rays’ site DRaysBay. I’m a Rays fan because I think their manager is smart and inventive and I think they do a remarkable job of developing talent that goes overlooked elsewhere. They are certainly not a perfect team, and I suspect they are about to have a run of unfun seasons, but I’m no stranger to that.
So, which team would you (or are you) a fan of when you’re not cheering for the Tigers, and why?