What would you do to convince someone to come over to the right side?
Last week, I asked you to stretch your imaginations to the breaking point and pick any other MLB team you thought you might be able to be a fan of. I know, it was a mean question and not easy to answer.
So this week we’re going to flip that question on its head. I want you to imagine you’re at a sports bar, watching a postseason game, and a fan from another team sits down beside you. How would you convince that person that the Tigers could be a suitable team for them to root for?
Admittedly, I’m glad I didn’t bring up this question two or three years ago, when the answers might have been “you should follow the Tigers because you hate yourself” or “you could follow the Tigers because at least one thing is reliably worse than your own life.” But the team is possibly on an upward swing, and we know what they’ve been capable of in the past.
Good season or bad, we’ve all been Tigers fans for a long, long time. (Unless you just became a fan after August of last year, in which case, welcome, I’d love to hear your pitch to others especially). Since we’ve been through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. I want to know how you would pitch Tigers fandom to someone who follows another team. Or someone who didn’t follow any team at all.