Detroit Lions playoff ticket prices are lapping the rest of the Divisional Round games.
Detroit Lions tickets remain the hottest in the NFL.
Now that the Lions’ Divisional Round matchup with the Washington Commanders is set for Saturday, January 20 at 8 p.m. ET at Ford Field, secondary ticket markets are starting to settle. And if they stick to what prices are looking like on Monday morning, Lions tickets are going to be way more pricey than any other NFL playoff game yet this season.
In fact, according to Vivid Seats—via ESPN—the get-in price for Lions-Commanders is higher than the COMBINED get-in price for the other three Divisional Round games . In theory, that means you could buy tickets for each of the other second-round matchups and spend less ($465) than it would cost for a single ticket for Lions vs. Commanders ($470).
This is nothing new. From the beginning of the season, Lions tickets were going for more money on the secondary market than any other team . Last year’s Divisional Round game between the Lions and Buccaneers were averaging over $1,000 a pop, per CNN Business , which was nearly double the previous record for a Divisional Round game.
This helps put into perspective why Lions’ season ticket prices will be seeing a significant raise in prices for the second straight year . It’s undoubtedly a frustrating development for fans who are just looking to watch their favorite team for a reasonable price, but it’s the unfortunate result of having a highly-popular team and an engaged fanbase willing to dish out serious money for their product.