The Challenge is a reality competition television show that was created by MTV Studios. It is considered a franchise and is currently broadcasting its 39th season which is called “The Challenge: Battle for a... … [Read more...] about OPINION: The Challenge is the best reality TV
University of Detroit Mercy
Men’s basketball player details journey from France to Detroit
One of the most important things, if not the most important for me Alex Tchikou, a 21-year-old from Paris, France living in the United States as a student athlete for the University of Detroit Mercy, is to... … [Read more...] about Men’s basketball player details journey from France to Detroit
Black History Month a time of reflection, celebration at UDM
Black History Month is celebrated in one of the most frigid months of the year, February. However, the celebration of freedom, equality and the achievement of African Americans must certainly bring some warmth and... … [Read more...] about Black History Month a time of reflection, celebration at UDM
What will Titans offense look like under new coach Brian Callahan?
Expect Tennessee's offense to look much different under new coach Brian Callahan than it did under Mike Vrabel. Here's why. … [Read more...] about What will Titans offense look like under new coach Brian Callahan?
New Titans coach Brian Callahan indicates shift in philosophy, direction
The Titans have never had an explosive passing attack, but that could change with new coach Brian Callahan, who was introduced on Thursday. … [Read more...] about New Titans coach Brian Callahan indicates shift in philosophy, direction